Main St., Sylvania
Our Mission:
To provide the highest quality of service while facilitating the economic development and orderly growth of our community; encouraging the most efficient and strategic use of available land; maintaining the integrity and encouraging appreciation of our historical downtown and cultural resources; and supporting a sustainable local economy.
The City of Sylvania understands that continued commercial development is essential to our remaining a sustainable community. To achieve this we have 2 programs in place to foster and encourage economic growth. These include:
- Job Creation Grants
- Community Reinvestment Area
Our commitment to economic development balances the quality of life with the desire to maintain the highest level of service in our community.
Market Analysis for South-Of-Monroe (SOMO) Site. This links you to the market study for potential land uses at the SOMO Site in Sylvania, OH prepared by Boulevard Strategies.
Sylvania – Open for Business, Open for Assistance
New SOMO Development Site Brochure
William D. Sanford
Director of Economic Development
Suite 203
6730 Monroe Street
Sylvania OH 43560
P: 419-885-0482
F: 419-885-8927
E-mail: bsanford@cityofsylvania.com
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Job Creation Grants:
Job Creation Grants are for businesses that locate in the City of Sylvania. Any new business that is non-retail may receive a payment of one-third of the income tax the City of Sylvania receives from that new business for a period of up to ten years. This payment is made to the owner of the business that locates in the City of Sylvania and meets job creation/retention goals.
Job Creation Grant Guidelines
Job Creation Grant Application
Community Reinvestment Area (CRA):
Promotes new construction and/or rehabilitation of existing commercial and industrial structures by providing real property tax exemption on new real capital investment. All abatements shall be for 100% of the value of the new improvements as certified for eligibility by the City’s housing officer. However, multi-family and commercial/industrial projects will be subject to a negotiated payment to the school board as determined by a CRA Real Property Tax Abatement Agreement.
CRA Application
CRA Designation Map
CRA City of Sylvania Map
Economic Development Sub-Committee:
In 2008, Sylvania City Council established the Economic Development Sub-Committee to help facilitate their goals on economic development. The committee’s mission is to work with the city administration and the community to develop a diversified, sustainable business base for Sylvania, thereby ensuring a vibrant economy for the long-term benefit of Sylvania’s residents, schools, and businesses. The Economic Development Sub-Committee acts as a liaison to the business community by visiting existing businesses, attracting new businesses that will enhance our community, holding public meetings to gather valuable information from current businesses and assisting businesses that are willing to expand in our community.