City Hall, Sylvania
Government Profile
The city is governed by its charter, adopted by the voters in 1961 and amended by voters from time to time. The charter provides for a mayor-council form of government.
The city is also subject to general laws which apply to all cities. Under the Ohio Constitution, the city may exercise all powers of local self-government and police powers, so long as they do not conflict with applicable general laws.
Elected Officials
The Mayor
The city’s chief executive and administrative officer is the mayor, who is elected by the voters specifically to that office for a four-year term.
The mayor presides over the meetings of council. Although the mayor has no vote in council matters, except in the event of a tie vote of the members, the mayor may veto any legislation passed by the council. A veto can be overridden by an affirmative vote of five members of the council.
The mayor appoints all of the directors of city departments. These appointments must be approved by council. Major appointed officials are the directors of finance, law, personnel, public service and public safety.
The mayor also appoints members to a number of boards and commissions. These appointments are subject to the approval of council. In addition, the mayor has the authority to appoint and remove all appointed officers and employees – except for officers and employees of city council – in accordance with civil service requirements.
City Council
The authority to create laws is given to a seven-member council. Council members are elected at-large for overlapping four-year terms. The council establishes the annual compensation for city officials and employees, and enacts ordinances and resolutions relating to city services, tax levies, appropriating and borrowing money, licensing and regulating businesses and trades, and other city operations.
The council may establish city administrative departments and divisions of departments in addition to those already established by the city charter. The council also appoints the clerk of council, who serves at the pleasure of council.
Appointed Officials
All appointed officials (other than the clerk of council) serve at the pleasure of the mayor, with the approval of city council. Appointed officials may be removed only with the approval of council.
City Boards & Commissions
Architectural Review Board
Arts Commission
Civil Service Commission
Municipal Planning Commission
Sylvania Area Joint Recreation District
Heritage Sylvania
Zoning Appeals Board
City Office Locations
For departmental contact information, please see the department directory.
City Hall
6730 Monroe St.
Home to the offices of the Mayor, Clerk of Council, Civil Service, Economic Development, Public Service Department, Public Safety Department, Utilities Administration, Finance Department, Income Tax Division, Information Technology Department, and the Zoning Department.
Municipal Building
6635 Maplewood Ave.
Home to the Sylvania City Police Division and City Council Chambers.
Municipal Court Building
6700 Monroe St.
Home to the Municipal Court and the Prosecutors Office.
Maintenance Building
5509 Harroun Rd.
Houses the Streets, Vehicle Maintenance and Utility Maintenance operations.
Parks & Forestry Building
8425 Sylvania-Metamora Rd.
Headquarters for Parks & Forestry Division operations and Sylvan-Gro compost sales.