Boards and Commissions


Council Chambers, Municipal Building, Sylvania

City of Sylvania, Boards and Commissions

Much of the work of the City of Sylvania is performed by boards and commissions. The members of these bodies are citizens who have volunteered to serve the city. They are appointed by the mayor and approved by City Council.

Board of Architectural Review

Mark R Frye
Ken Marciniak
Carol Lindhuber
Kathleen Fischer
Jeff Schaaf
Debbie Webb, Administrative Secretary

Civil Service Commission

Cathy McGuire
Bradford James
Scott Coolman
Nicole Robbins, Administrative Secretary

Municipal Planning Commission

Mark R Frye
Ken Marciniak
Carol Lindhuber
Kathleen Fischer
Jeff Schaaf
Debbie Webb, Administrative Secretary

Tree Commission

Brady Kohlenberg (Chairman)
Rick Barricklow
Rosey Duran
Anthony Haddad
Stacey Leffler
Helen Michaels
Candy Sarikonda
Judi Young
Margie Ott (Advisor)

Sylvania Community Arts Commission

The Executive Director and Board of Trustees:

Ken Dymond, Executive Director
Laura Jakes, President
Sue McHugh, Vice President
Steve Tobis, Treasurer
Laura Megeath, Secretary & Theatre Chair
Jim Gosman, Community Orchestra Chair
Joshua Lightle, Tree City FIlm Festival Chair

Our Trustees:

Jim Perlman
Alana Tobis
Marcus Hansen
Regina Mapstone
Brian Kezur
Gabe Ng
Nate Schank
Maureen Adkins
Stacy Spinazze
Mayor Mark R Frye

Heritage Sylvania

Thomas Blank, President
Mike George, Vice President
Evan Ericksen, Secretary
Jim Vogel, Treasurer
Board Members:
Dr. Mary Robinson
Sandy Husman
Sue McHugh
Robert Smith
Rebecca Zechman
Amy Addington
Bill Giacci
Mark R Frye
Executive Director – Samantha Gindy-Ayers

Board of Zoning Appeals

Thomas Reynolds
Danny Royer
Stephen Risher
Matthew Snell
Mary Morrison
Debbie Webb, Administrative Secretary

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