Harroun Community Park. Photo Courtesy of Candy Sarikonda
What We Can Do For You
In addition to the items below, we’re also happy to offer tips and solutions for composting, gardening (and garden pests), trees, winterizing your garden and all things green.
Green Waste Collection
You can also get green waste pickup schedules, Kraft paper bags and container stickers at either of these locations, or by calling 419-885-8992.
- Utilities office, Municipal Administration Building, 6730 Monroe St.
- Parks & Forestry offices, 8425 Sylvania-Metamora Rd.
If you frequently have green yard waste, you can save money with a yard waste sticker. You can purchase a sticker for one garbage can, which is good for the entire year – eliminating the need to buy green waste Kraft paper bags.
Leaf Pickup 2024
Fall Leaf Pickup for 2024 is October 21st – December 6th. The City does not offer a spring leaf pickup. Residents must use the Parks & Forestry green yard waste program until Fall Leaf Pickup begins. (See above for more information on Green Waste Collection).