Photo Courtesy of Candy Sarikonda
Forestry Programs
The City of Sylvania recognizes the benefits that trees and plants provide and maintains forestry and grounds programs in order to help provide a healthy environment for native plants and pollinators such as the Monarch Butterfly.
In May of 2017, Mayor Craig Stough took the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors’ Monarch Pledge, committing the city to take at least 8 specific actions to help the monarch butterfly and other pollinators.
Mayor Stough created the Sylvania Tree Commission which consists of up to nine volunteer members which are appointed by the Mayor. Our Tree commission volunteers make recommendations to the Mayor on issues related to trees that are on city property.
The Sylvania Tree Commission is actively working to restore the natural landscape in the Ravine Cemetery and the Sylvania River Trail. The goal is to improve water filtration through the use of native plantings, improve visibility and provide critical habitat for pollinators.
The City of Sylvania continues to invest in our urban forest by supporting projects such as these that directly improve the health of our 6,000 plus city owned trees and provide a critical habitat for years to come.
For more information on these programs, click on the individual links, located in the menu below Forestry and Grounds Programs.