Thomas Reynolds
Danny Royer
Stephen Risher
Matthew Snell
Mary Morrison
Debbie Webb, Administrative Secretary
Appeals can be filed for variances, exceptions and industrial use. Administrative orders and other decisions by the zoning administrator also can be appealed. When such appeals are filed, they are considered and decided by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
The board considers requests for variances, exceptions and industrial use at monthly public meetings. Appeals of decisions made by the zoning administrator are considered at public hearings.
When granting a permit, the board may stipulate how an approved variance, exception, industrial use or administrative ruling shall be carried out. The board also may require other improvements, safeguards and conditions to protect the health, safety and welfare of the owners and occupants of surrounding lots and the public.
Members of the Board of Zoning Appeals are appointed by the mayor and approved by city council. The board meets in council chambers at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of every month.
Pertinent Forms, Documents and Schedules
Sylvania Land Use Plan
Petition for Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Planning and Zoning Code
Variance Application