What’s Happening in Sylvania?
Check this page for highlighted events and current announcements. This page, as well as Facebook and Twitter, are ways that we can communicate with our residents and others in order to bring them the most up-to-date information.
ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE – Erie St. between Main St. & Summit St.
Helms and Sons Excavating, Inc. will be testing and connecting the new waterline at the intersection of Main St. & Erie St. as part of the Downtown Transportation Improvement Project (Phase 1).
Due to this construction, Erie Street will be closed to through traffic east of Main Street to Summit Street beginning Wednesday, March 19th for a period of 3 days.
A detour will be posted utilizing Main Street, Yankee Road, and Summit Street.
Vehicles at the intersection of Erie Street and Main Street will still be able to travel on Main Street and use Erie Street west of Main Street.
Access to drives and businesses will be maintained for the duration of the closure.
Questions regarding the project may be directed to the City of Sylvania Department
of Public Service at (419) 885‐8965.
Important 2025 Downtown Construction Information
The City of Sylvania is thrilled to announce the start of Phase 1 construction for the Downtown Improvement Project. The project is set to commence on February 20, 2025. For all details on construction and progress updates, please visit the “Sylvania Strong” Chamber of Commerce website: https://www.sylvaniachamber.org/sylvania-strong.
PRESS RELEASE – Erie St. & Monroe St. Roundabout & Resurfacing Project
CLICK HERE for more information.
Community Electric & Natural Gas Aggregation Program Information
Click on the following links for more information on the City of Sylvania’s current Aggregation Programs:
Archer Energy – Supplier for Natural Gas
Dynegy – Supplier for Electricity
Information on the US23/Monroe Street Interchange Project
A public meeting was held on May 9, 2023 at Northview High School.
Click Here for more information on the project.
Legal Notice to Cut Weeds
To all owners, lessees, agents or tenants owning or having charge of land within the City of Sylvania, Ohio, which has noxious weeds and/or rank vegetation about to spread or mature seeds growing on same, take notice that the said noxious weeds and/or rank vegetation must be cut and destroyed within ten (10) days after the date of publication of this notice. Failure to comply with this notice shall result in the Director of Public Service causing such noxious weeds and/or rank vegetation to be cut and/or destroyed. All costs and expenses, including costs of giving notice, incurred by the City, in cutting and/or destroying said noxious weeds and/or rank vegetation shall be a lien upon the property from which they are removed and if the same are not paid within twenty (20) days after they are incurred by the City, they shall be certified to the County Auditor who shall place the same on the tax duplicate, with the interest and penalties allowed by law, and they shall be collected as other municipal taxes are collected.
Important Information on Managing Through a Power Outage From First Energy
Please click here to read important information on how to manage safely through a power outage. With the possible threat of severe weather on the horizon, we want all our residents to stay safe and be informed.
Downtown Transportation Improvements Project & Downtown Vision Planning
CLICK HERE for exciting information on 2 new projects getting underway in the near future.
Keeping Rights-of-Way Clear From Obstructions
A letter has recently been sent out to some City residents regarding rights-of-way obstructions. CLICK HERE to view the letter and to stay informed.
TIF District Being Considered for Downtown Area
The City of Sylvania is considering establishing a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) in the Downtown Area. To find out more about a TIF please click on the links below. If you have any questions on this contact Bill Sanford with the City of Sylvania at 419-885-0482 or bsanford@cityofsylvania.com.
Did You Know Mobile Food Truck Registration is a Yearly Requirement?
The City of Sylvania requires all mobile food venders to obtain a City of Sylvania Registration to operate a mobile food vehicle in the City. This is a yearly requirement (January – December) and is required prior to operating in the City of Sylvania.
There are four steps to take to obtain an approved registration in the City:
- Complete and pass a Fire Inspection from the Sylvania Township Fire Department. This can be done by contacting the Sylvania Township Fire Department at 419-882-7676 ext. 1670. Mobile Food Vehicles are required to be inspected yearly and are subject to random spot inspections.
Sylvania Township Fire Food Truck Inspections
- Please call for an appointment at 419-882-7676 ext. 1670 Complete and pass a Lucas County Health Department inspection. The Lucas County Health Department can be reached by contacting 419-213-6250. The form can be found at:
- Complete a registration with the City of Sylvania Tax Department. The Sylvania City Tax Department can be reached by contacting 419-885-8940. The form can be found at:
- Complete a City of Sylvania Mobile Food Venders Registration. You can reach the City of Sylvania Zoning Office by contacting 419-885-8948. The form for the City Zoning Registration can be located with the following link:
For submission, you must have completed and provide written approvals from the following: Sylvania Township Fire Inspection, Lucas County Health Department Inspection, and the City of Sylvania Tax Registration. Full packets can be delivered to the City of Sylvania Zoning Office with payment of $100. We accept cash, check, or money order.
The full information packet (including all submission forms) can be found with the following link:
Clear Choices Clean Water
The Stormwater Coalition has launched a new web-based educational program called Clear Choices Clean Water-Greater Toledo Lake Erie. This program aims to educate residents on how to keep Lake Erie clean. Take a moment to visit the site by clicking on the following link: http://toledolakeerie.clearchoicescleanwater.org/