Water Tower, Burnham Park, Sylvania
Sylvania Utility Office
This office is in charge of setting up utility contracts, refuse and recycling, utility billing, meter readings, and backflow and cross connection control.
Suite 102
6730 Monroe St.
Sylvania OH 43560
P: 419-885-TREE (8733)
F: 419-885-8963
E-Mail: city.utilities@cityofsylvania.com
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
New Service Request
Please click on this link to setup new service for your residence or business. Once information is received you will receive an email from the Utility Office with additional information.
Payment Options
Automatic Withdrawal
The utility office offers FREE automatic withdrawal of utility bills. Fill out the form below, attach a copy of voided check and send it the Utility office to begin having your bill automatically deducted from your checking/savings account on the due date every month.
Online Payments and Paperless Billing Option
You have the option to pay online, by text and receive email reminders when a payment is due. Registration is not required to view or pay your bill and this service allows residents to pay multiple invoices in one transaction. A $2.95 transaction fee will be charged for each EFT/ACH payment and $3.45 for credit card payments.
Follow This Link (www.invoicecloud.com/sylvaniaoh) to pay and/or register your account
Online Payment Highlights:
- View and pay your bill online anytime with credit card, debit card or e-check (Visa, Mastercard, (Discover)
- Make a one-time payment or register to gain access to all features
- Schedule your payment for a specific date
- Email notification when your bill is ready, before the due date and when a payment is pending
- Sign up to receive text notifications about your bill (you can even pay by text)
Pay by Phone
If you would like to pay your utility bill by credit, debit card, e-check over the phone (Visa, Mastercard, Discover), please call 1-877-411-5727, a $3.70 transaction fee will be charged for each EFT/ACH payment and $4.20 for credit card payments.
Other Payment Options
You are also able to pay utility bills by cash, check or money order. Checks and money orders may be dropped off anytime using the payment box located on the front of the administration building.
Items Available for Purchase
- Water Tap Permits (call for pricing)
- Second Meter Permits (call for pricing)
- Sanitary and Storm Tap Permits (call for pricing)
- Green Yard Waste Stickers (Call 419.885.TREE (8733) option 1 for more information)
- Green Yard Waste Bags ($2.00) and available at:
- Sylvania Ace Hardware on Main St.
- Both Sylvania Kroger Locations
- Sautters Food Center
- Extra Refuse Bag Stickers ($2.25)
- Bulk Item Refuse Stickers ($15.0)
Forms and Documents
Consumer Confidence Report
LEAD Service Line Inventory 2024
Automatic Deduction Authorization Form
Backflow and Cross Connection Information
Current Water and Sewer Rates
Refuse Pick Up Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions
Water or Sewer Emergencies
P: 419-885-TREE (8733)