Erie Street & Monroe Street Intersection Improvements Project

Erie Street & Monroe Street Intersection Improvements

In January 2019 the City of Sylvania commissioned a traffic study to review countermeasures to alleviate congestion and implement traffic calming measures at the intersection of Erie Street and Monroe Street.  The project consultant, Tetra Tech, obtained traffic counts, updated traffic modeling projections, and generated several geometric layouts for further study.  Intersection alternatives reviewed included, a traffic signal replacement with modified intersection geometry, a traditional single lane roundabout, and a bowtie roundabout.  The study concluded either roundabout alternative (traditional single or bowtie) was recommended for the additional safety benefits and improved intersection operations.

In the summer of 2021 the City applied for funding assistance in the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program managed by the Toledo Area Metropolitan Council of Governments (TMACOG) for this project.  The project included a roundabout alternative at the intersection, but also included a two-course resurfacing and pavement repair for Erie Street between Centennial Road and Monroe Street.  The anticipated cost of the project was $4,028,132 and the City requested $2,861,950 in financial assistance.  In the fall of 2021 the City was notified that our funding request was approved, with construction scheduled for 2027.

Topographic survey and engineering design work commenced in the March 2024.  The first step in the engineering design process was to solicit public input on both the traditional single lane and bowtie roundabout alternatives.  The City conducted an open house public meeting on Tuesday, August 6th, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm in City Council Chambers.  Representatives from the City and consultant design team were available to provide information, display exhibits, answer questions, and discuss the project.

Exhibits that were displayed at the Open House are provided in the links below. Interested members of the community were able to provide public comment through September 6, 2024. Based on traffic studies on the intersection, the additional options for drivers from San Reno Drive, and public feedback, the ideal option for the Erie Street and Monroe Street roundabout project was determined to be Option 1. Option 1, “the bowtie”, has been chosen as the preferred option to move forward into more detailed design for the roadway, bicycle trails, and sidewalks. The public meeting materials, including renderings of the preferred option, handouts, aesthetic renderings, traffic modeling video, question and answer documents, and a press release are available in the links below.

For questions or comments on this project please contact the Safety/Service Director for the Department of Public Service, Joseph E. Shaw, at 419-885-8965 or by email at