Tree Commission


  • Brady Kohlenberg (Chairman)
  • Candy Sarikonda
  • Judi Young
  • Rick Barricklow
  • Anthony Haddad
  • Stacey Leffler
  • Rosey Duran
  • Helen Michaels
  • Margie Ott (Advisor)

Our Tree Commission

The Sylvania Tree Commission consists of up to nine volunteer members appointed by the Mayor.  Our Tree commission volunteers make recommendations to the Mayor on issues related to trees that are on city property.   Commissioners work to generate funding, conduct public outreach activities and provide ongoing care of Sylvania’s urban forest.  As part of their duties, our commissioners engage in projects designed to promote a healthy urban forest, which benefits the city financially, aesthetically and environmentally.

The Tree Commission can be reached by contacting the city’s forestry office at 419-885-8992.

Street Trees

One of Sylvania’s most important environmental resources are its street trees. Sylvania has an urban forest of approximately 6000 street trees. With the city containing 77 street miles, that’s an average of 108 trees per street mile.

Champion Big Tree

The City of Sylvania is home to one of the largest trees in all of Ohio. The Big Tree Champion Sassafras tree is located on the east side of the ravine in Ravine Cemetery.

Tree City USA Designation

Sylvania, the City of Trees, has received the Tree City USA designation for over 30 years. This national award is earned by only 3,216 cities across America by demonstrating a commitment to care for their existing trees and to expand their city forest.

The Tree City USA® program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, provides direction, technical assistance, public attention and national recognition for urban and community forestry programs across the nation.

For more information on the benefits of trees and the Tree City USA program, visit the Arbor Day Foundation website.

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