Board of Architectural Review

Debra Webb
Administrative Secretary
6730 Monroe Street
P: 419-885-8965

Board Members:
Mark R Frye, Mayor
Ken Marciniak
Carol Lindhuber
Kathleen Fischer
Jeff Schaaf
Debbie Webb, Administrative Secretary

The Board of Architectural Review determines if an application under consideration will promote, preserve and enhance the architectural character of the community (the architectural “district”) and not be at variance with existing structures.

The purposes of architectural districts are:

  • To maintain a high character of community development
  • To protect and preserve property
  • To promote the stability of property values
  • To protect real estate from impairment or destruction of value for the general community welfare by regulating the exterior architectural characteristics of structures

These purposes will be served by the regulation of exterior design, use of materials, finish grade line, landscaping and orientation of all structures altered, constructed, reconstructed, erected, enlarged or remodeled.

The members of the Board of Architectural Review are the same as those serving on the Municipal Planning Commission.

Pertinent Forms, Documents and Schedules

Architectural Review Considerations
Board of Architectural Review Application
Downtown/Central Business District Design Guidelines Book
Knee Wall Standards
Meeting Records